Step 2: The percent is a whole number, go straight to step 3.
Step 3: The fraction cannot be simplified further.
Step 1: Write down:
75 100
Step 2: The percent is a whole number, go straight to step 3.
Step 3: Simplify the fraction (this took me two steps, you may be able to do it one!):
÷5 | ÷ 5 | |||
75 100 | = | 15 20 | = | 34 |
÷5 | ÷ 5 |
Note: 75100 is called a decimal fraction and 34 is called a common fraction !
Step 1: Write down:
62.5 100
Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by 10 (because there is 1 digit after the decimal place)
× 10 | ||
62.5 100 | = | 625 1000 |
× 10 |
(See how this neatly makes the top a whole number?)
Step 3: Simplify the fraction (this took me two steps, you may be able to do it one!) :
÷ 25 | ÷ 5 | |||
625 1000 | = | 25 40 | = | 5 8 |
÷ 25 | ÷ 5 |