Office of the Attor­ney Gen­er­al and the Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion Act

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is responsible for the integrity of the public information process under the Public Information Act (PIA) and the PIA authorizes the OAG to interpret its requirements. The OAG serves both members of the public and governmental bodies in protecting open government under the PIA, and this site includes resources for both groups. These resources are available in the pages below.

The PIA helps provide a legal framework for open government and establishes a legal process for the disclosure and protection of public information. The PIA protects the ability of the citizens to access information maintained by governmental bodies and obtain a more complete understanding of how their government works. The OAG works to ensure governmental bodies in Texas remain open and accountable to the people they serve because open government elevates the public to their proper role as partners in leadership with governmental bodies. The OAG strives to ensure the public and governmental bodies have the tools they need to foster this partnership. The OAG prepares, distributes, and publishes rulings and other materials to maintain uniformity in the application of the PIA. The OAG also provides training for governmental officials.