Can You Start a Business With a Criminal Record? Yes, you can. Go get 'em, boss!

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Having a criminal record can make it difficult to get hired, find a place to live and many other basic tasks. But can it stop you from starting your own business? The short answer is, no it can't stop you.

Former criminals can benefit from starting a business in several important ways:

Key limitations

Of course, there are some issues and unique challenges faced by ex-cons attempting to start a business:

Play to your strengths

If you're starting a business as someone with a criminal record, there are actually a few things that can play out in your favor if you know how to take advantage of them. For starters, you may be able to qualify for a grant or education program specifically tailored to entrepreneurs with a criminal past. For example, the organization Inmates to Entrepreneurs exists to provide grants, resources, and other forms of assistance to former criminals who want to turn their lives around. And organizations like SCORE offer free business mentoring and education to a wide range of aspiring business owners, regardless of their background.

Conventionally, a criminal record is a "bad thing" for your reputation and public image. However, you may be able to spin it as a positive for the business. For example, if you advertise that this business is hiring former prisoners as a way to help them start a new life, you may attract more customers who want to patronize the business and support it as an organization. This is especially true if you reinvest a portion of your profits into criminal reform programs and other causes that help people with criminal records.

Additionally, there may be some experiences and skills acquired in prison that can help you become a better entrepreneur. For example, if you're used to an environment that's both harsh and highly competitive, you'll be a more ruthless strategist as a leader. And if you're used to the uncertainty and lack of safety netting in a prison environment, the stress and ambiguity of entrepreneurship may seem tame by comparison.

So is it possible for a former criminal to start a successful business? Yes, it is. Countless ex-cons have gone on to create successful businesses under their direction. There are several obstacles you'll need to overcome to do this, and there's certainly no guarantee of success, but by using the right strategies and compensating for your weaknesses, you can increase your likelihood of accomplishing your goals.