Gain a globally recognised certification in business continuity, showcase your foundational knowledge, and advance your career in the resilience industry.

CBCI 7.0 Certification Course

The new CBCI 7.0 Certification Course is the most comprehensive business continuity training course that covers the full range of practices used by business continuity professionals to develop, implement, and maintain an effective business continuity management system.

The course has been updated in line with the new Good Practice Guidelines (GPG) 7.0, which draws on the knowledge of practitioners from all over the world and on information from ISO standards.

The cost of sitting the CBCI 7.0 Certification Course will depend on location and delivery method.

To learn more about the new CBCI 7.0 Certification Course watch our on-demand webinar and access all FAQ.

CBCI Certification Course

Learning outcomes:

The CBCI 7.0 will take you through the six Professional Practices (PP) and provide you with detailed learning outcomes that you will be able to directly apply to your day-to-day job.

PP 1 - Establishing a business continuity management system

In this course module you will learn:

PP 2 - Embracing business continuity

In this course module you will learn:

PP 3 - Analysis

In this course module you will learn:

PP 4 - Solutions design

In this course module you will learn:

PP 5 - Enabling solutions

In this course module you will learn:

PP 6 - Validation

In this course module you will learn:

What are the benefits of taking this course?

Hear what students have to say about the course .

Who is the course and certification for?

We would highly recommend the course: as business continuity professionals the experience shared by the tutor and other participants was enlightening and the GPG have definitely helped to better understand some steps of the methodology. The course has also given us many resources and examples to improve the way in which we explain the BIAs and plans to clients during a business continuity program implementation. James [McAlister] was fantastic. He has a great deal of experience in the sector and tremendous energy and sense of humour.

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Marta Bellera
CBCI Student with BC Training, Institut Cerdà

Your training - it was engaging and informative, so well delivered. I really related to some of the examples you provided and that helped me a lot to put context to what we were discussing.

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CBCI Student - The Continuity Shop

The training was very rewarding. I appreciated a lot. The instructor was knowledgeable on the subject matter, he provided clear examples and he asked questions to the participants which further enriched the training with the exchanges of experiences and best practices.