Family tree familie Eilders » Brett Everett Roemeling (1964-2001)
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Historical events
- Birthday October 16, 1964
- Day of death May 19, 2001
Birthday October 16, 1964
The temperature on October 16, 1964 was between 7.2 °C and 11.4 °C and averaged 9.0 °C. There was 18.0 mm of rain during 7.5 hours. There was -0.1 hours of sunshine (0%). The heavily clouded was. The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the southwest. Source: KNMI
- The Netherlands had about 12.0 million citizens.
- February 9 » The Beatles make their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, performing before a "record-busting" audience of 73 million viewers across the USA.
- April 7 » A bulldozer kills Rev. Bruce W. Klunder, a civil rights activist, during a school segregation protest in Cleveland, Ohio, sparking a riot.
- August 1 » The former Belgian Congo is renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- October 14 » The Soviet Presidium and the Communist Party Central Committee each vote to accept Nikita Khrushchev's "voluntary" request to retire from his offices.
- October 22 » Jean-Paul Sartre is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but turns down the honor.
- October 27 » Ronald Reagan delivers a speech on behalf of the Republican candidate for president, Barry Goldwater. The speech launches his political career and comes to be known as "A Time for Choosing".
Day of death May 19, 2001
The temperature on May 19, 2001 was between 6.5 °C and 16.6 °C and averaged 11.8 °C. There was 11.3 hours of sunshine (71%). The partly clouded was. The average windspeed was 2 Bft (weak wind) and was prevailing from the west. Source: KNMI
- The Netherlands had about 16.0 million citizens.
- February 11 » A Dutch programmer launched the Anna Kournikova virus infecting millions of emails via a trick photo of the tennis star.
- April 1 » Former President of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Slobodan Milošević surrenders to police special forces, to be tried on war crimes charges.
- May 9 » In Ghana, 129 football fans die in what became known as the Accra Sports Stadium disaster. The deaths are caused by a stampede (caused by the firing of tear gas by police personnel at the stadium) that followed a controversial decision by the referee.
- June 1 » Nepalese royal massacre: Crown Prince Dipendra of Nepal shoots and kills several members of his family including his father and mother.
- August 10 » The 2001 Angola train attack occurred, causing 252 deaths.
- September 21 » America: A Tribute to Heroes is broadcast by over 35 network and cable channels, raising over $200 million for the victims of the September 11 attacks.
Same birth/death day
- Also born on October 16
- Also died on May 19
- 1963 » Brendan Kibble, Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist
- 1963 » Gilberto Duavit Jr., Filipino businessman
- 1963 » Timothy Leighton, English physicist and academic
- 1964 » James Thompson, American-Finnish author († 2014)
- 1964 » Shawn Little, Canadian lawyer and politician († 2012)
- 1965 » Kang Kyung-ok, South Korean illustrator
- 1998 » Sōsuke Uno, Japanese soldier and politician, 75th Prime Minister of Japan (b. 1922)
- 2001 » Alexey Maresyev, Russian soldier and pilot (b. 1916)
- 2001 » Susannah McCorkle, American singer (b. 1946)
- 2002 » John Gorton, Australian lieutenant and politician, 19th Prime Minister of Australia (b. 1911)
- 2002 » Walter Lord, American historian and author (b. 1917)
- 2004 » Mary Dresselhuys, Dutch actress and screenwriter (b. 1907)
About the surname Roemeling
- View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Roemeling.
- Check the information Open Archives has about Roemeling.
- Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Roemeling.
The Family tree familie Eilders publication was prepared by B. Eilders. contact the author
When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
B. Eilders, "Family tree familie Eilders", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 5, 2024), "Brett Everett Roemeling (1964-2001)".
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