Canada Summer Jobs

Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) is a Government of Canada summer work experience program initiative. It provides wage subsidies for employers who create quality summer work experiences to help young people between the ages of 15 and 30 develop the skills and paid work experience they need to successfully transition into the labour market.

All Canada Summer Jobs-funded positions will automatically be posted on the government’s Job Bank to help youth find, and employers to fill those jobs.

Funding priority is given to placements that provide opportunities for youth who face unique barriers.

For full program details and eligibility requirements visit the Employment and Social Development Canada website .

2024 Requirements General Terms + Conditions

CSJ criteria to assess the proposals/applications focus on:

In order to be eligible for funding, departments must meet the following terms:


Review our steps for recruitment and ensure you have consulted your partners to secure approval before proceeding.

Review the detailed application guide to fill out the online application form . Include this university-specific information in your application form:

Review the job posting page and use our job posting template; ensure the correct hiring statements are applied.

CSJ subsidized summer employees are subject to the terms and conditions as stated in the BoG/NASA Collective Agreement (Part A for Operating and Part B for Trust) according to their appropriate employee types.

Employee types include:

Receiving Funding Confirmation

Review the HR information about:

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