The City of Urbana has identified possible parking ticket fine overpayments and has developed this page on our website to assist individuals who may have overpaid their parking ticket fines.
Overpayments occur when an individual pays a parking ticket fine after the due date and then pays a second time after receiving a parking ticket notice in the mail. Additionally, our customers make payments towards parking ticket fines in person, by mail, through fine boxes, via our website and to rental or leasing agencies. Managing these multiple payment methods can be confusing at times, and customers can mistakenly pay more than owed.
If you think you might have overpaid on a parking ticket fine, please contact the Finance Office at (217) 384-2346. A member of our staff will verify whether or not an overpayment was received. If an overpayment is found, you will be asked to fill out a Parking Ticket Fine Overpayment Refund Request Form and submit it to the Finance Office. Call (217) 384-2346 to find out more.