Stock Redemption Buy-Sell Agreement

Buy/sell agreements are used to ensure that transfer of a business interest is well coordinated.

What Are the Types of a Buy/Sell Agreement?

There are two major types of buy/sell agreements including:

  1. Agreements that specifically limit the transfer of shares.
  2. Agreements that restrict the shares transfer as well as prescribe the value of shares for estate tax considerations.

What Information Should the Buy/Sell Agreement Include?

A buy/sell agreement typically specifies:

Advantages of Having a Buy/Sell Agreement

Here are some of the major benefits of a buy/sell agreement:

Disadvantages of Not Having a Buy/Sell Agreement

In the absence of a well-planned buy-sell agreement, the business may run into murky waters after an important owner's death, retirement or disability.

Disadvantages of a Buy/Sell Agreement

A buy/sell agreement can have the following disadvantages:

What Information Should the Buy/Sell Agreement Include?

The agreement details the events which will occur for the interests of the company's shareholder to be sold or offered for sale to other shareholders or the company. The events typically include death, disability, and retirement of a shareholder, but can also include situations such as divorce, bankruptcy, or losing the legal or professional right to be a member of the company.

Who Are the Purchasers in a Buy/Sell Agreement?

A buy/sell agreement has two potential buyers including:

  1. The company can buy the stock under a stock redemption agreement.
  2. Other stockholders can buy the stock under a cross-purchase agreement.

What Should Be Considered When Forming a Buy/Sell Agreement?

Before forming a buy/sell agreement, the business entity and its shareholders should carefully assess the risks, benefits, and costs.

What Is the Basis for Guarantees?

Guarantees are based on the abilities of the issuing life insurance company to pay claims.

What Should Be Considered When Forming a Buy/Sell Agreement?

When forming a buy/sell agreement that will protect the interests of all owners and prevent future disagreements, the shareholders must have clear goals, understand the implications of the agreement, and available options. The rights, duties, tax considerations and financial position of every party must be covered. CPAs can provide more insights into options available to owners.

Disputes often arise due to different interpretations of provisions of buyer/seller agreements regarding the interest of owners.

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