Minnesota Statutes, Section 626.557, frequently referred to as the vulnerable adult act, was initially a 1979 bill that was facility-focused with no designated lead investigative agency or common entry point. The law was created as a result of a rape in a nursing home of a 30-year old woman who was non-verbal and bed bound. In 1980, the statute was enacted, declaring public policy to protect vulnerable adults. The Department of Human Services Adult Protection unit was created in 1981 to provide training and consultation to counties.
Mandated reporters are professionals or professional’s delegate identified by law who MUST make a report if they have reason to believe that the abuse, neglect or financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult has occurred.
The Vulnerable Adults Mandated Reporting course is designed to introduce you to:
PLEASE NOTE: Every effort has been made to ensure that the course material is thorough and up to date; However, mandated reporters are responsible for knowing all information related to mandated reporting whether or not it is defined or identified within this course. For DHS licensed facilities and services, this training alone does not meet the requirements of 245A.65, subd. 3, which requires in addition to informing mandated reporters of the reporting requirements and definitions, requires the license holder to inform mandated reporters of the license holder�s program abuse prevention plan, and all internal policies and procedures related to the prevention and reporting of maltreatment of individuals receiving services.
State and County Employees: If you want this course recorded on your DHS training transcript, you must take the course through TrainLink.